Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clint McCance - Scary Stuff

Yes, Clint McCance is scary stuff and I don’t mean Halloween scary. This man is seriously disturbed. He was, up until his resignation last week, on the school board of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas. For those of you who have not been watching Anderson Cooper 360, Mr. McCance posted a homophobic rant on Facebook, that scared the %#*#@ out of me! To think he was on a school board, in a position to impact the lives of children, takes my breath away!

Just imagine for one moment what it must be like for any GLBT child in that district with someone like Mr. McCance connected to their school. School is supposed to be a safe place where we send our children, to learn, grow and become their own self. They’re our future and when we allow individuals like Mr. McCance to have any contact with our children, they are in danger.

This is the perfect time to discuss this frightening incident with our straight allies. Outrage is an automatic emotion for a parent of a GLBT child, for parents who have straight children, they also need to voice their outrage. PFLAG does an amazing job working in the schools, teaching educators how to create a safe environment in their classrooms, but they cannot do this alone. Parents need to have a conversation with their children, friends and family about bullying and hate and how destructive it is.

The saddest part of this story is that when Mr. McCance appeared on Anderson Cooper to give what he thought, was an apology, it was not. He never said he was sorry for his hateful language or show remorse for the devastating internal dialogue the children in his school district must have continuously playing in there heads. I believe the only thing he is sorry for is that he got caught.

I know I’m ranting, but I needed to comment publicly about this troubling situation to make it real for me and for everyone who reads this.

Thanks for listening.

Hugs, Barbara

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